Selecting a vehicle
You can select the vehicles from a live auction in Japan or from a Japanese Dealer.
We are ready to help you to select a vehicle to suit your requirement and budget.
Advance Payment
We will start arranging the shipment of your selected vehicle just after the advance payment and we will provide you a legal agreement issued by an authorized lawyer for your payments.

JAAI Certificate
Shipping Documents
LC Opening
We need to open an LC (Letter of Credit) as it is 100% Safe for both parties. LC opening can be done by our side or you based on your request.

After the LC opening our partner in Japan will proceed to ship the vehicle at earliest.

Custom Clearing
After the arrival of the vehicle to Sri Lanka, we have to clear the vehicle from the customs. Clearing can be done by us or we can guide you to do the same.

After the custom clearance you can collect your vehicle at a place convenient for you.